How long will you live ?


How tall are you ?


How long is the road to success ?


How much water can a camel drink ?


How many people work in the company ?


How often have you been to the States ?


How old is the new assistant ?


How far is Australia ?


How high is the Empire State Building ?


How wide is the Pacific Ocean?


How deep is the Red Sea ?


How heavy is that computer ?


espérance de vie life expectancy ( <<< to expect ) = life span = longevity

un questionnaire a quiz : a series of questions ( plural : quizzes)

la santé >>> être en bonne santé health [U] >>> to be healthy, to be in good (<> bad) health

compter sur, se fier à  >>> fiable >>> fiabilité to rely on = to be confident in >>> reliable >>> reliability (here)

être fondé sur to be based on

calculer to compute >>> a computer >>> computation = calculation

le comportement <<< se comporter behavior (US) = behaviour (UK) <<< to behave = to act

peser to weigh >>> a weight, heavy <> light >>> to be overweight = to weigh too much

Quand on est en surpoids, on doit suivre un régime. ex : when one is overweight, one needs to go on a diet.

un couple désuni embattled partners = quarrelling couple

ajouter <> soustraire / multiplier <> diviser to add <> to subtract / to multiply <> to divide

un conjoint a spouse = a wife or a husband

fatigant, laborieux, exténuant strenuous = hard and tiring (labor, exercise ...)

décontracté easygoing, relaxed <> stressed, aggressive

un PV pour excès de vitesse a speeding ticket (US) : a fine for speeding (driving over the speed limit)

une once 1 oz = 1 ounce = 30 grams

50 livres 50 lbs = 50 pounds = 25 kilograms

un bilan médical a check-up = medical examination of the whole body

négliger, passer outre to overlook = not to notice, to neglect

il a négliger la limitation de vitesse et a eu un PV. ex : he overlooked the speed limit and got a speeding ticket.

un animal familier a pet : an animal kept as a companion, like a cat, a dog ...

c'est-à-dire namely = that is to say, in other words

un moine, un frère, un  religieux a friar : a member of a religious community living in a convent

une stupéfaction, une incompréhension a puzzlement <<< to puzzle = to cause surprise or disbelief

décéder, mourir to pass on = to die